

Your Trendy Halloween

Who said that Halloween has to be a corny holiday that exists solely for the enjoyment of children, century old witches and zombies? What if I want my home to experience the fun that is holiday décor but I’m hesitant to dust my pad with bright orange knick-nacts and motion activated figurines?

Using the art of Pinterst, I have outlined three major household areas where hallo-chic can come to life!

After following the tips and inspirational photos below, you will have the confidence to host the most authentic  halloween party or be sufficiently content hanging out on your couch, basking in your beautifully decorated home!

Before we get started:

  • Black, Grey and Metallic colours go a long way!
  • Orange colours can certainly be used but we want this to remain as a featured colour or accent, rather than the main event.
  • Less is more.

Front Door

Pumpkins are definitely a must, for they establish an initial holiday ambiance for all guests! Use miniature pumpkins, which are more cost affordable, and go to town with some paint! Use white, black or metallic paint for added chicness (make sure you paint the pumpkin with sealer or varnish beforehand to ensure the paint actually sticks)! These painted pumpkins can be used all over your house! Don’t get me wrong, the traditional “Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” can make an appearance, but we want to steer clear of using solely robust pumpkins!

Front door decorated for a modest Halloween

The dried corn stalk is always a good choice, this neutral piece adds height and diversity!

Lanterns with candles and small pumpkins

The use of lanterns is another great accessory to any front door! As seen above these lanterns can be filled with candles, or miniature pumpkins! But why not get crazy and try a mixture of leaves, mini pumpkins and acorns! A great place to purchase cost-affordable lanterns is at Ikea (only $8.99)!


Ahh the classic fireplace, a focal point of gathering! If you’re like me and your apartment doesn’t include an elegant fireplace, use these style ideas for decorating a bookshelf, or foyer table!

Fireplace mantle decorated in Halloween decor

DIY signs using string, small clothes pins and self-made individual letters (sticker letters can be bought from the oh-so-trusty dollar store) are always a great idea and quite trendy at the moment! Again, these smaller white, or black painted pumpkins can come in handy here! Remember, sparing amount of orange!
Mantle decored in halloween decor

Like the photo above, candelabra’s are a marvelous way to show the gothic side of your Halloween decor. (You can get one at the craft sore Michaels for $24.99)! Large candle stands are also encouraged!

front foyer table with halloween decor

Try getting a large vase from a dollar store and filling it with thinly dried branches from outside trees to add an eerie yet sophisticated, cost-effective element. If you’re feeling confident you can even repurpose bits of old Halloween decor (plastic spider-webs, fake crows, small bats) to add small embellishments to these branches.

Dinner Table

Candle light, Candle light, Candle light, say it with me! An abundance of candles can produce a romantic yet eerie feeling, this is definitely a must for any hallowed dinner table! How simple, yet beautiful is the idea of using candles as a centrepiece?!

Lots of mason jar candles lining a dinner table

I would also suggest taper candles like in the photo above! You can purchase a set of these at any Walmart for $4! Again, here we can use various heights of candles but once you start using candles that are extremely short, the opulent, spooky feeling is lost.

Pumpkins lining a dinner table

For a more warm halloween chicness use pumpkins that you have pained in neutral colours (Don’t you just love the pale blue!?). Smaller pumpkins can even be carved out and used as multi-purpose holders! Again the idea of thinly dried branches can be used in a shorter scale on the dinner table!

Hint: Scatter outside leaves across your table runner for some colour (Don’t over do it, when living in a chic world, less is more)! These leaves can also be dusted with gold paint for some added sparkle!


Now hurry up and start decorating, Instagram is waiting for you!